
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's Quiet on the "Western" Front

The 2nd batch of Grandest kids left about noon today.
The 1st batch, 3 strong came just before Thanksgiving. And this batch; came just after. We had 2 visits back to back!
I've got my house in order; the cat has reappeared from ... where ever it is he goes when little feet are pounding about here; and it's much too quiet. I can hear every creak and groan this place makes as the wind whips about.
It's getting colder. And I feel it. The house has lost some of its warmth and not just from the change in the weather.
Children bring energy and light to a place. They heat an area up. Of course that may be due to the fact you're running your butt off chasing them. Whatever the cause, I'll take it.
If only for a little while. And then I'll fall into a sore and limping heap to miss them dearly again until the next time they burst onto the scene to wrap me around their grimey little fingers and entwine me into their grubby little hearts.
Ain't nothin' like 'em.
I knew love when their parents came into my life, but then here they came and I knew something so much more. So very much more.
And so I've got the TV on for back ground noise as the last of the laundry dries. It helps to break up the silence. I should probably turn it to the Disney Channel or something.
But I'm trying to break myself from the sound of children's voices. From the sound of children's giggles and mischief as they go about their business of exploring and delving into crooks and crannies.
I'm trying to wear myself out completely, so when I fall into the bed, I'll welcome the too too quiet of a suddenly empty house.

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