
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Monday, November 24, 2008

Face "Frying" - Step 2

We continue....
T'was a week ago now. And I'm still reaping the "benefits" of my pre-op peel.
Never mind that I tried to beg off because I argued that I wasn't doing this for cosmetic purposes. Oh, no. It must, this path I've chosen, be followed still, to the letter. So like a good little trooper in I did go.
Hi ho; hi ho.
Silly me, I thought it would be like one of those spa do-hickey-ma-dodgers. All facial rubs and warmth and feel good stuff to fluff up your face and make it just glow like a baby's.
They use real chemicals and things.
Ever seen "Sex and the City?" The one where Samantha gets a peel and winds up in the widow's get up at Carrie's book signing?
I wasn't quite that red. But I pinked up real good. Yes indeedie.
And here I am 7 days out still peeling like a bad sunburn.
I tried that facial "light scrub" wash 2 days out and that was such a no go. I got so sore and stingy, I actually patted my face down with olive oil. Extra virgin of course. Only the best. Very soothing. I called and told on myself and was told it was OK. Good stuff to use actually.
And all that other "stuff."
I'm told that this is perfectly normal for those of us with sensitive skin. It means I should respond to the CO2 quite well.
In other words, I'll burn but good.
I'm just thrilled. Truly. You should see me. Doin' the Tom Cruise jump on the couch even as I type.
Bunga bunga.
Next step is the real deal. Don't expect a posting until 48 hrs. post-op at the earliest. I intend to actually use the drugs they give me this time.
Never've had to before. Always been the tough guy; er gal. But, I've a feeling, oh, that there'll be lots of feeling.
So until that one. I'm just gonna leave the subject be and sit here and flake. Sifty little flakes, as I peel away.

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