
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Face "Frying" - The Journey Begins

This is the story of my "Face Fry."
The Beginning.
I have been fighting "AK's" (precancers) and a basal skin cancer or 2; OK 3; for a little over a year now. They've been running rampant merrily across my face and up and down my jawline having their way.
Doc Amy has been freezing them and slicing them away as needed.
Yes; it hurts; some worse than others. But all sting or pain as removed or ended. And yes, there's something about having your face being attacked in bits and pieces that is upsetting. I'm not a beauty queen by any stretch of the imagination, but I have what I have and I'd dearly like to keep it.
So; I started my research. And with my Doc's approval; I'm having a CO2 laser procedure in Dec.
Hence the "face fry."
Yep; I'll wake up - they put you out - with the WORST sunburn of my life. But; I'll also be pretty much precancer and hence cancer free for 4-5 years. Of course, my insurance company begs to differ as they see this as purely cosmetic. They don't believe the STATS and Studies. Or don't care or it's an excuse to get out of even paying just a little bit.
Screw them; I'll pay for it. I'm not gonna go around looking like a patchwork quilt if it's preventable.
If it weren't or if I'd been in an accident, then there's that. But this; I can do a preemptive strike.
And so I will.
So on the Oct 30th, in I went for the 1st of my app'ts to learn how to pretreat my skin.
Because, I'm going to a Plastic Surgeon, they want me to go thru all the gobbledy gook of doing this and that to make my skin amiable to the Fry.
I just want to get it over with and get back on to getting back on.
I hate hurting and staying indoors and following orders. As it were.
And there are so many.
But I'm on my way.
And as Doc Amy has already spotted some new AK's roiling up, it will be none to soon. She won't do anything with these areas as they won't have time to heal up before the Fry. But since they're only AK's; I've time.
And I'm dutifully following my Plastics orders. In a way, it's nice to pamper myself with these lotions and creams. I've a feeling if I'd done this earlier in my life; I'd not be in this spot - with these spots.
Oh, and stayed out of the sun.
Maybe I'll post some pics after. Depends. I've seen a couple. Nearly backed out when I saw those 24 hr. after shots.
They volunteered for that? Sheesh. Those women are braver than me.
So; that's the start. Next I go in for some kind of prep. Then it's the real deal. And then I'm out of circulation for 14 days. And then back out.
And the irony of this whole thing, is that most of it is due to days when I, in the blissful ignorance of youth, fried myself in the sun.
Who knew I'd be paying for it after all these years.

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