
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Face "Frying" - Lasered

It's done.
Yep. Thursday morning, around 0730, I rolled into the OR and the face got fried.
Of course I don't remember much after the "bump" of Versed they gave me. But I do remember waking up and getting dressed and coming home.
Then it was sleep off and on. And that's been it for the past 2 days.
Of the pain I was told to expect; there really hasn't been any. I've only had discomfort when I've washed my face. Only when the air has hit the skin that's exposed. That nips a bit. Then I get an almost frantic feeling to put on the ointment that soothes everything.
I splurged, if you will, on fat grafts. Decided if I was going to do this, I might as well get something out of it. So I let the Doc fill in some spots with fat grafted from other parts of the old bod. Hell, I even offered to donate some extra for the skinny patients I seen hanging around his office.
He thought that was amusing. Oh, and he declined the "generous" offer.
Well, I didn't know until right before I rolled in that the grafts would make me look like a puffer fish. I mean really look like a puffer fish.
You should see my lips.
Should; but won't.
They are HUGE. And this is after some of the swelling has gone down.
At least today, I have some mobility. The 1st day, I couldn't move my mouth. 2nd day, a little better. Today, I can smile, but it's wop sided. And they feel very tight and dry.
And with the grafts came an "oopsy."
You drool with them apparently. And I did. Soft foods only, and still hard to eat. I dribbled some and when I dabbed, I lost the skin on either lower side of my chin. And didn't know it because I was numb. Now there's a bit of drainage. Serous in type, and clear that I'm having to watch the area very carefully. And yes, I could scar there. But, there you are.
There are risks in everything. And I knew it.
And now I'm peeling too fast. So they are worried about that.
What can I say. I always peeled badly with sunburns. And this is supposed to be like a real bad burn. So there you are.
And the Nurse that calls to check on me has given me different directions that the one that talked to me pre-op, so I'm bumbling along. Pre-op said I'd peel by this weekend and Check-up said I shouldn't peel until Monday.
Well, I go in Monday for them to check my stitches and I guess I'll find out then.
All Hell will break loose or not.
I'll keep you informed. Right now, it's time to closed the old eyes. For some reason, I'm really tired.
So for now; I'm done.

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