
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

"Face Frying" - 2+ Weeks and Counting

I have lips again. Mobile, pink - not red, lips. Oh, and they're not sore anymore either. And...I can drink out of a big girl cup again.
No straws. No siree. This girl is drinking without dribbling and even ice cubes don't faze her. Whoo hoo.
Not only that, but I am wearing lip gloss. Shiny pinkish with aloe and moisturisers. I look spiffy.
The face still has a way to go.
There's a redness that hasn't faded, especially around the eyes. But I'm very much improved from recent time past. And the makeup I now have, it covers the redness quite well. I just use a brush and puff it on gently and there we are. Then a very light pink blush to keep from being too flat an affect.
Well, I almost look normal after a little work. I have to do the eyes, of course. And then there's the lips.
A soft, glorious, glossy, mauvey pink color painted on. Within the edges. No going outside with liner anymore.
I love it. I haven't worn gloss like this in forever.
I haven't the foggiest if this will last. Haven't a clue. I just figure I'll enjoy it while I can. One must take what one can get. I shall; with hands out stretched and with a smile.
And on the 14th of the New Year, I'll traipse back into the Doc's domain and let him have a look see. He'll go over his handy work; grade it; and decide what else - if anything; should be done. Photographs will be taken.
Maybe there will be some before and after shots I can post.
I'm not sure how to do it, but if possible, I might just give it a go.
We shall have to see. I'm not a computer guru and I'd hate to bite off more than I can chew.
I might bruise my new lips.

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