
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Saturday, January 10, 2009


OMG! Has it been that long since I posted?
Yep. I've been running 100mph+ and going in a straight line missing the curves or last the very least taking them on 2 wheels. I'm the maniac behind you on the Freeway of Life.
Lord help you guys as I bust a gut. I hope you don't have to hit the brakes or I'm in your trunk and you're stuck with me.
Sorry. We'll just get the apology out of the way ahead of time.
Don't worry; I'm heavily insured.
Let's see - the day that I was "Viewed" and pronounced AOK by Doc D from my Face Fry. The Baby girl got in trouble with her heart. So I left his Office and sprinted South to be wit Her. I won't go into details because of privacy issues. And....She'd kill me, but I was frantic; no; terrified; maybe beyond that; and tried to hide it by being my sarcastic witty self and stepped in doodoo. But I think it's worked out now.
Except that I could destroy THAT hospital without looking back without a glance. Lousy, lousy, lousy. Doctor did OK. Not my cup of tea, but competent if you can get past the 1st little issue. I thought they might run a test with some Lab values that indicated they should NOT. But all's well that end's well and I'm a happy camper with that.
Then it was back to work and off and running with that. And I do mean running. I was sprinting. All the while dealing with the residue doodoo issues and feeling the drag of that. It eats at you to have a child not on your "side."
And the dash down to Tallahassee to see Brother-in-Law and Sister-in-Law over the New Year. They are the best. Get you back together from the bits of broken pieces that have become YOU.
Was still feeling frantic. Worried about that Baby Girl. What was she doing, taking her meds, were the meds making her feel bad; were the side effects causing problems, etc.?
And guilt. Not sure why about that one; but one of my friends said that parents always blame themselves when their kids get sick. It must be something they have done. Otherwise the children would always be perfect and just coast through life.
And back home to work Work is going strong. My Hospital is finally filling back up with patients. So our shifts are busy and we are exhausted when Shift is over. Dragging, really. Two of us for eight complicated, ill, ill total care patients with many, many needs. But 'ya do what 'ya gotta do. And you darn well, do it to the best of you're abilities. These people are depending on you. Their lives are depending on you. Literally.
Actually it was back home for more work. No, really more work. I got an offer to teach. Adults. At a College. Technical type. The type of students sitting where I was about 15 years ago. And I accepted.
And I am terrified and I am elated. The responsibility is huge. The chance to give BACK is awesome.
So I work nights in a Hospital and mornings, I'll teach two classes.
I may have blank spots in my postings; it's because the Internet isn't the center of my life. Although I do enjoy Posting, but.....
People are what this old Girl is all about. Living, breathing entities with all these complications that are giving me a run for my money.
Lord, don't let me screw this up and wreck.

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