
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Monday, September 15, 2008

Bread and Circuses

I sat watching the news this morning and wondered if a prophesy I'd made a few years back was finally coming to fruition.
The Roman Empire is falling yet again.
Only this time, "we be it."
Merrill Lynch has been sold for pennies on the dollar. Lehman is sinking like the Titanic; taking thousands of poor souls' finances with her.
Ah, 'tis Doomsday; according to the naysayers.
And my friends are glaring at me because I shot my mouth off about some stuff and have continued to do so when I'm in a mood.
But, hey; it's all there for the World to see.
We overpay our Gladiators. We meet in huge arenas and boo and hiss or cheer wildly depending on our whim against or for our chosen stars. We worship insipid, insignificant stage strutter's. Our morals and ethics are in the toilet. We tax the middle class to death to support the teaming masses of poor and expect nothing of said poor and in fact continue in some cases, to tamp them down.
AND, I'm gonna get bashed for this one, we can not control our borders or laws and have become weak and ineffectual in today's World and World matters.
The United States is ripe for the plucking.
And the Muslim terrorists are idiots. All they have to do is wait for a decade or so and save up their monies and they can buy us up and do what they will.
Instead it will probably be the other Arabic Nations or Japan or China who owns us before long. Or has bought most of the Politicians that wield the real power.
Oh yeah, I'm chatting here about Congress.
The President can veto all he wants, some of the Bills will slip through, if only as pork.
So sit back and enjoy the ride; friends. There's a wind stirring and it's hot and dry. Not a bit of moisture to be found for the parched lips of the Citizens in this Country that thirst for the "way things used to be."
You know what I mean. When this Country was something more than a spectacle of bread and circuses. More than wanton excesses of a People that thought they were owed everything and had to give back nothing.
Back when the USA was on sure footing and my friends weren't glaring at me for the things I said.

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