
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Sunday, September 21, 2008

All Alone

My Hubby's out of town. And I'm batching it for another day. And I'm gonna miss it.
That's terrible isn't it?
At least according to the "youngsters" at work. The older gang I run with is filled with ladies who understand.
They've been married a bit longer and so have a bit more experience in the closeness department.
Age brings the we-don't-need-to be-joined-at-the hip attitude. Oh, it brings something far from it. It brings the why-don't-you-take-that-out-of-town-assignment-and-bring-me-something-pretty attitude. And it brings it more and more as the years climb.
Or at least it does among us old Military wife types. We're used to having the Dudes out and about for long periods of time. When they're around too much, we get a bit too itchy or something.
It's nice to .... miss them once and a while.
Puts the spice back into the equation.
And gives us that precious time to ourselves.
Take me, for instance.
Hubs left Wednesday. I came home from the night shift and got sleep and then was up to do my thing. No one to disturb my plans. I did not one thing that night, but watch the TV shows I wanted.
Yes, I held the remote. I had the POWER! WOOHOO!
Got Thursday night off due to low patient population and spent Friday on appointments without being dead tired. Got home when I wanted.
Yeah, yeah, yeah; I shopped some.
Friday night met the Herd at the watering hole for a while.
Saturday, worked on My projects and watched CHICK FLICKS.
Today, doing what I want to while my back recovers from yesterday's projects.
In other words, I've done what I damn well have pleased and most of it in my pajamas.
But, the Princess turns back into Cinderella tomorrow about 1800.
I've missed my man. But, 'tis been nice, nice to have control over all the space and gadgets. Plus all the DVDs. I've almost gotten half way finished with my chick flicks. And he'll be back before Sex and The City is out; 9/23/08. What's a girl to do?
I'm guessing after he's been back about 3-5 weeks; mmmaaayyybbbeee a little longer. I'll be going, "Honey, did the Boss mention the next time you we're going to have to be outa town? I'm needing something pretty."

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