
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Thursday, May 29, 2008


I've been busy the past few days. Trying to clean up a mess. I feel as though my life has tried to spiral out of my control. And I am desperately trying to keep it within my grasping, clawing little fingers. Futilely. But, I continue to try. It's like trying to hold onto a greasy pole and climb upward at the same time.
I'm getting no where, but I'm getting there at a record speed. Zip pity split. You're watching this old Gal whiz on by. Unfortunately, I'm headed in the wrong direction at this particular time.
I do hope to correct this momentarily.
Keep the Faith. Oh, please, keep the Faith.
The latest debacle? I called the Bank, in the town where I was raised, as I hadn't received the bill for my safe deposit box. Uh, folks..where's the bill? I don't want to be charged with a late fee. I've got this thing about my credit, etc.
And, (drum roll, please), you closed out your box ma'am.
No, I did not.
Yes, you did.
And so it went until I was able to persuade them, with some rather pointed references and proof that they had a bit of a dilemma on their hands.
Now there's a mystery and a mad scramble.
First it was: you don't have to sign to close out the account. Now it's, ma'am YOU came in and closed the account/Box out 18 months ago. And after I proved and gave them the names of collaborating witnesses I wasn't even in the State..... We have - ta DUM - another UH OH.
SO who's signature is on the, now you DO have to have a signature on a piece of paper to close things out? And why did you not ask for ID?
I am at this moment awaiting the Bank Manager's phone call to explain all that has occurred.
And the monies I paid last year? "Lost key fee, Ma'am."
Well, buttercups, it never said that on the bill. All it had was charges for the Box. I did think it was unfair that they had raised the fee on the Boxes without notice. But, I'm a good little trooper and I paid.
So why did they wait to charge me at the time they normally send out the rental notices? Why wasn't there a disclosure about it being for a lost key? NO ANSWER.
This should prove interesting.
Only one person had the other key. She informed me years ago, that she had "misplaced it." So after we had a bit of an estrangement, I took her signature off the accessibility sheet. And all that matters not at this juncture. Not one whit, not one whit.
Whoever helped themselves to the contents to my Box, signed my name. Forged my name. That is a criminal act. A deliberate criminal act, committed by a person with deliberate intent.
And since I've been dealing with an attempt to use my credit fraudulently....Ya think there's a connection?
I will get to the bottom of this. I do not mean this with irony or dark humor. I mean this as an act of justice.
I do not take violation of my privacy well.
If I invite you into my space, you are the most, most welcome individual you can imagine. I love people.
But if you do me or mine wrong. I am so very sorry; you must spend the rest of your days looking over your shoulders.
I am so sorry. It's just how I am.
It will happen.
So for now, I am clawing and scratching and grasping. Yes, I may be slipping a bit as I try to maintain my position. But, I can guarantee you, this will not be a free fall. And I will not be without a partner.
Someone, at some point, is going to accompany me on this journey. And with the help of the courts, and a certain Lawyer, and my documenting ability, someone is going to be left ON THE BOTTOM when I rise back to the top.

1 comment:

Donna McNicol said...

Unbelievable!! ....and very scary. Make them pay....all of them... ;-)