
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ma Nature

There's a terrible problem with not having an updated master bathroom.
It's that da-- mirror directly across from the bathtub.
Oh, yeah. You know the one. The 4' x 8' monster that stretches across the counter in all it's glory under the too bright lights to reflect....YOU.
The only good news; I have a rockin' sense of humor. That and a skewed sense of ego. Oh, I know I'm not some movie star and I'll never be the one that men fall over as I waltz into the ballroom.
But, my dears, I still have the machachos to waltz into the ballroom. That or the lack of good sense.
Kathie Lee Gifford once said to an audience member a long time ago, "we had our day in the sun, didn't we, Dear?"
All too true.
But sittin' under the Oak tree ain't half bad. Sure beats getting sunburned and having to deal with teenage angst and going through all that crap that we had to go through scratching our way up the 20's and 30's.
The 40's .... I divorced; clawed my way through Nursing School raising 2 remarkable/beautiful teenage daughters on my own; established myself from nothing; got back on my feet; and remarried. Other than that, the 40's were a piece of cake.
The 50's have been pretty OK. But I've notice Ma Nature is starting to get amusing. Or should I say; she amusing herself with me. I can hear the chuckling almost daily.
The lines deepening, the joints starting to ache, the gravity calling to various body parts, that's not such a big deal. It's the inside changes that are annoying.
I'm taking pills now. And not, I assure you for birth control. No. No. NO! Various internal "items" are not up to par. So I'm having to compensate.
I resent this, quite frankly.
I have to remember which to take in the morning and which to take at night. The memory ain't cracked up to what it used to be either. And I have to go give blood every so often to measure and test levels.
I hate needles. And don't you dare even go there. I can stick a turnip and find a vein. I'm good at what I do. But that doesn't mean I want you to stick me. I know I'm a Nurse...just go with it.
So every morning, I take my pills and every night I take more. And I try and do it and keep my skewed sense of humor intact. I take them in front of my big mirror, under the big bright lights. I take them with my water in a wine glass. I toast myself in the mornings for having made it to another day. And at night, well I'll spare you the visual.
Here's to gravity and getting older. Sure beats the alternative. Skoal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl!!! Jan