
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The "Herd"

We went to the old watering hole last night. Met with the Herd. Family, actually. Or maybe we're a conglomerate. Whatever we are, we're tight.
We may fuss and tussle amongst ourselves, but let anybody else get too near or threaten one of our members.... Well, let's just start lighting the candles for that poor soul right now. They're doomed.
Our meetings remind me of old time Thanksgiving Dinners. The "Boys" gravitate towards each other and the "Girls" stay to their area. The only difference; no cooking. Thank God, for B... Or as the Boys fondly call her, Beer Wench. And she will roll her eyes and give them THAT look. But she waits on Us and puts up with the nonsense and treats Us very well. Best of all, she laughs at the dumb Boy jokes as if she's heard them for the very 1st time. Saves the Girls a lot of trouble.
We tip very well. And B... earns it. Bless her, bless her.
Speaking of blessings; one of our Girls is under the weather and needs them. And we're worried about her. And worse, not a darn thing we can do to make her better. That's hard for me.
I'm a Nurse and I fix everything. OK, I try. I guess it's in my blood. And I stick my nose into every one's business and fix what ails them. It's a hobby?
It's a lot easier than focusing on my own problems. J.... pointed it out to me last week. Pointed it out, told me to stop, and told me to take care of myself for a change. Yes, ma'am.
Ah, the Herd taking care of its own. Circling and noting the weaker and making sure that the jackals can't attack.
Even the Boys note when one of Us gets down. Yes! Even the Boys! And they will fuss, too.
Granted they take a different tact amongst themselves. It's a more manly "thing." But there you are, dude to dude giving support with jokes and profane language and back slaps.
And they will lend a hand to a Girl, gentler, still joking, awkward, often stumbling, but there. They are strong in this, if slightly teenagish. One almost expects an outbreak of acne.
So we fuss and push and snort. Take care and worry about the one who's under the weather. Plot to make them as "better" as we can. We circle and protect and meet. We love and care despite the obvious glaring faults we all possess.
We're Family and I told you, We're tight.

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