
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's Quiet on the "Western" Front

The 2nd batch of Grandest kids left about noon today.
The 1st batch, 3 strong came just before Thanksgiving. And this batch; came just after. We had 2 visits back to back!
I've got my house in order; the cat has reappeared from ... where ever it is he goes when little feet are pounding about here; and it's much too quiet. I can hear every creak and groan this place makes as the wind whips about.
It's getting colder. And I feel it. The house has lost some of its warmth and not just from the change in the weather.
Children bring energy and light to a place. They heat an area up. Of course that may be due to the fact you're running your butt off chasing them. Whatever the cause, I'll take it.
If only for a little while. And then I'll fall into a sore and limping heap to miss them dearly again until the next time they burst onto the scene to wrap me around their grimey little fingers and entwine me into their grubby little hearts.
Ain't nothin' like 'em.
I knew love when their parents came into my life, but then here they came and I knew something so much more. So very much more.
And so I've got the TV on for back ground noise as the last of the laundry dries. It helps to break up the silence. I should probably turn it to the Disney Channel or something.
But I'm trying to break myself from the sound of children's voices. From the sound of children's giggles and mischief as they go about their business of exploring and delving into crooks and crannies.
I'm trying to wear myself out completely, so when I fall into the bed, I'll welcome the too too quiet of a suddenly empty house.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Face "Frying" - Step 2

We continue....
T'was a week ago now. And I'm still reaping the "benefits" of my pre-op peel.
Never mind that I tried to beg off because I argued that I wasn't doing this for cosmetic purposes. Oh, no. It must, this path I've chosen, be followed still, to the letter. So like a good little trooper in I did go.
Hi ho; hi ho.
Silly me, I thought it would be like one of those spa do-hickey-ma-dodgers. All facial rubs and warmth and feel good stuff to fluff up your face and make it just glow like a baby's.
They use real chemicals and things.
Ever seen "Sex and the City?" The one where Samantha gets a peel and winds up in the widow's get up at Carrie's book signing?
I wasn't quite that red. But I pinked up real good. Yes indeedie.
And here I am 7 days out still peeling like a bad sunburn.
I tried that facial "light scrub" wash 2 days out and that was such a no go. I got so sore and stingy, I actually patted my face down with olive oil. Extra virgin of course. Only the best. Very soothing. I called and told on myself and was told it was OK. Good stuff to use actually.
And all that other "stuff."
I'm told that this is perfectly normal for those of us with sensitive skin. It means I should respond to the CO2 quite well.
In other words, I'll burn but good.
I'm just thrilled. Truly. You should see me. Doin' the Tom Cruise jump on the couch even as I type.
Bunga bunga.
Next step is the real deal. Don't expect a posting until 48 hrs. post-op at the earliest. I intend to actually use the drugs they give me this time.
Never've had to before. Always been the tough guy; er gal. But, I've a feeling, oh, that there'll be lots of feeling.
So until that one. I'm just gonna leave the subject be and sit here and flake. Sifty little flakes, as I peel away.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Face "Frying" - The Journey Begins

This is the story of my "Face Fry."
The Beginning.
I have been fighting "AK's" (precancers) and a basal skin cancer or 2; OK 3; for a little over a year now. They've been running rampant merrily across my face and up and down my jawline having their way.
Doc Amy has been freezing them and slicing them away as needed.
Yes; it hurts; some worse than others. But all sting or pain as removed or ended. And yes, there's something about having your face being attacked in bits and pieces that is upsetting. I'm not a beauty queen by any stretch of the imagination, but I have what I have and I'd dearly like to keep it.
So; I started my research. And with my Doc's approval; I'm having a CO2 laser procedure in Dec.
Hence the "face fry."
Yep; I'll wake up - they put you out - with the WORST sunburn of my life. But; I'll also be pretty much precancer and hence cancer free for 4-5 years. Of course, my insurance company begs to differ as they see this as purely cosmetic. They don't believe the STATS and Studies. Or don't care or it's an excuse to get out of even paying just a little bit.
Screw them; I'll pay for it. I'm not gonna go around looking like a patchwork quilt if it's preventable.
If it weren't or if I'd been in an accident, then there's that. But this; I can do a preemptive strike.
And so I will.
So on the Oct 30th, in I went for the 1st of my app'ts to learn how to pretreat my skin.
Because, I'm going to a Plastic Surgeon, they want me to go thru all the gobbledy gook of doing this and that to make my skin amiable to the Fry.
I just want to get it over with and get back on to getting back on.
I hate hurting and staying indoors and following orders. As it were.
And there are so many.
But I'm on my way.
And as Doc Amy has already spotted some new AK's roiling up, it will be none to soon. She won't do anything with these areas as they won't have time to heal up before the Fry. But since they're only AK's; I've time.
And I'm dutifully following my Plastics orders. In a way, it's nice to pamper myself with these lotions and creams. I've a feeling if I'd done this earlier in my life; I'd not be in this spot - with these spots.
Oh, and stayed out of the sun.
Maybe I'll post some pics after. Depends. I've seen a couple. Nearly backed out when I saw those 24 hr. after shots.
They volunteered for that? Sheesh. Those women are braver than me.
So; that's the start. Next I go in for some kind of prep. Then it's the real deal. And then I'm out of circulation for 14 days. And then back out.
And the irony of this whole thing, is that most of it is due to days when I, in the blissful ignorance of youth, fried myself in the sun.
Who knew I'd be paying for it after all these years.

A Birthday Gift

This is a letter, I wrote to my Daughters shortly after THE EVENT....
Sorry if I've been remiss with contacting all lately. It's been crazy. No; truly crazy. And this time it wasn't me or my antics. My Hospital had a big shake-up and the Cardiovascular program went down the tubes; literally.
We have been experiencing low census North Alabama wide for about 4 months now in all Hospitals. I actually heard that that is true in most of the Southeast. But, none the less, because of that, and the fact that I am PRN - as needed, I had been "floated" to CIC for the past 5 weeks.
CIC is short 2 night nurses and I was glad to help and glad to get to work. Heck, it's basically the same kind of work except they don't go as far to crack the patients chest. So no biggy there.
Anywho, I bebopped into work last Saturday night; went to my locker to get my stuff; then into the Unit 'cause I needed a form I have to have each time I work on a different Unit than CVPCU. And the Unit was pitch black. I just figured; low census; everyone on call until they get a patient.
So I come out the doors to clock in and meet Debra the night Supervisor; and make a remark about, "wow, census is REALLY low."
She looks at me and goes, you don't know do you? And I'm blank. It must show on my face, 'cause she asks if I got an e-mail or phone call and I ask about what? And she put her arm around my shoulder, told me to clock in, and starts walking me towards the elevator. And proceeds to tell me how last Thursday.....the powers-that-be walked into the Units and told the Staff to prepare the patients for transfer to other Units.
Then the Staff was briefed on their immediate severance from the Hospital and the "packages" to follow. To include Barry, our Supervisor.
I got lucky. When I got to CIC, the girls informed me I'd been "adopted." They liked my work, my ethic, all that good junk. Terri, CIC Supervisor, was already putting paperwork in to get me transferred to be their PRN. Robin had filled me in on the Nov. schedule and they all said they'd leave if I didn't get to stay and CIC is the last step down Unit left.
Like I said; I got lucky. I only cried a little 'cause we had to take report and get going. But, it was the weirdest night.
And at midnight - I turned 55. So I sorta got a nice birthday present. I got to keep my job.
But, 29 of my friends didn't. And that just sucks, you know?
So I spent Sunday, after shift, with a headache; migraine actually. Figures.
Monday; I had to go to HR and do paperwork and stuff for the transfer. And I saw Barry and he talked to me for 2 hours about this and how worried he is about everyone, and all that went down. Apologized to not getting in touch with me. He had to go sign his divorce papers the next day after all this happened and he got side tracked. He was looking bad, actually. And I hate this for him. He has been an outstanding Supervisor and is a fine young man.
Tuesday; I got on line and the phone and got info on 5 Hospitals around here; Dialysis Clinics; Home Health; Hospice; The Heart Center and some other places and 5 Travel Companies and did some computer printouts.
Wednesday morning I went to THE Meeting for the CV people and gave out the info and gave out my business cards so I could be used as a reference. Wednesday night it was back to work.
The CNO was glaring at me at the meeting. 'Cause part of her speech was if they could wait for 5-6 weeks "something" at DGH my open back up for them.
?! People have bills woman.
I've managed to help 2 people actually get jobs and 2 get interviews. And 3 have good leads; I'm hopeful for them.
Update: All this was the week of October 19th thru 25. Today is November 10. And I've been working my new job; networking and assisting the CV Gang; childproofing the house for an extraordinary Grandestson who'll be visiting soon and getting ready for an elective outpatient "minor" procedure.
I've been pretty much running myself ragged actually. And it's showing. I haven't slept well. Some really bad dreams; a few involving and about the Old Gang. Janis called it a form of survivor's guilt. All I know is, they're pretty bad and I don't care for them.
But that's the update and I hope to do better.
After all; my wedding anniversary is coming up. Can't wait to see what that holds.