
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Sunday, July 20, 2008

It's Always An Adventure

I originally wrote this and posted it for my RV Group; July 14th. It was suggested I add it to my Blog. So...
Greetings from the South of Florida. Those of you that are here know it has been stormy in the afternoons and is VERY humid of late. Those of that aren't here; count your blessings you aren't traveling with us. The good news; we're all fine. Awful news; the RV Fix -It dude comes out tomorrow to repair the air conditioning unit. Bad news; it was hit or affected by lightening on Saturday afternoon. Better news; our friends that had wanted us to stay at their home still welcomed us with open arms despite the fact we had brought our 2 pups with us. So here we are in this neat house. Stevie the TT is in the RV park; locked up tight. She'll be back together; we hope; by tomorrow afternoon.
Here's the gist. We pull in, get our allotted space and set up -quickly as the black clouds roll in; then dive inside. There's howling winds all about and the place is shaking, but we're buttoned up pretty tight. Hubby decides to roll up the antenna, with me protesting, and hook-up the brand new LCD-HD 36" TV. Then there's this awful crack/boom and I've got this horrible feeling and my hair is standing up on my neck and arms, (guess who was under the damn air conditioner) and I'm going, "we've been hit." Hubby is saying we've lost the TV. I keep saying we've been hit and I feel icky. Half the sockets are off line. It's a freaking mess. Long story short, we reset breakers and plugs, etc., work again, TV doesn't, air conditioner whirls but fan doesn't blow, and I get the feeling back in my neck. Oh, the storm blew through.
Hubby did stomp around calling the TT foul names while I glared at him. Then after a bit, admitted he was a dumba--. Sometimes it's better to let them come around to the truth themselves. And guess who's check will be lighter come tomorrow afternoon? Oh, yeah. I'm not footing the bill for the yawning distances in his synaptic gaps. And he blankety-blank knows it. We've had that little discussion. My right eye twitched for 3 hours. And yes, I realize it might have happened no matter what; but when you beg for it...he's been pretty nice today. SOMEBODY'S on probation and I'm the Governor. So, plan is to be with friends until Wednesday, and then back into what is now a big closet for all intents and purposes. Supposing we can get the air conditioning repaired or replaced. We may be able to file on insurance, I don't know. The roof is intact, the circuit breakers mostly did their jobs, but the lightening appears to have skittered along the roof and downward through conduits or something. All I know is I felt the worst tingling ever; like every hair on my head and arms had come alive. I don't care to repeat it.
So lesson learned, my friends. Don't tease Ma Nature. And if you travel with us, be prepared; it's always an adventure.

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