
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Thursday, July 24, 2008

No More hhGregg

Nothing like having a 36" HD LCD TV, a Toshiba, with the most beautiful picture in the world, most of the time, that you can't use. As it's been, we haven't watched that beautiful picture for a month now.
The bulb blew.
When we got the TV, the young man advised that I purchase the extended warranty. It would be an extra $200.00, but he let me in on a little known fact ... the bulbs usually go around 20-23months or so on the average. With the extended warranty, I'd get 2 of the bulbs which costs around $200.00 a piece, in stalled for free. Yep, I'd call, the bulb "popped," and a nice serviceman would come out to the house, install the new bulb and clean the TV all at no charge.
It was all in the fine print.
That was cool with me.
And guess what? The 1st bulb blew at 7 months.
One phone call, 3 days and we were up and running. Not unreasonable. They told me to call this number and an electronics store local to us came over and handled everything. Cleaned up her inside, too.
Then last month, she popped again.
One phone call. I get a call back in 4 days asking to set up a time to install the bulb. Then a cancellation. Bulb didn't come in. And so it goes for nearly 14 days.
To the point that I called the Hub of this bulb providing fiasco.
"Well, we have to order them from the warehouse," says Norman's Electronics.
"Well, I called Toshiba's warehouse, ma'am, and I was told there are 10,000 bulbs available. I fail to understand the difficulty with your large company obtaining 1 bulb," I reply.
Calls to hhGregg, from which I purchased said TV, no assistance, nothing, NADA.
They don't use the local guys anymore, I have to stick with Norman's or void the warranty which extends to 2011.
I file a complaint about the service. I'll at least let them know what I think. Oh, and let everyone know what I think about hhGregg dumping reliable, FAST, courteous service business do their warranty work.
Well, finally this am, after 13 hours on shift, and waiting up, the bulb was installed by the local rep. of Norman's. But he didn't clean out the TV. I'll have to call and arrange a separate appointment for that little number.
"Sorry, ma'am, that's Norman's policy."
Policy, huh? To screw around with so much paperwork you can't find a bulb from a warehouse in your city; ship it to another city 4 hours away; ship it from that city to mine 1.5 hours away; and arrange for it to be installed in less than ; oh say; a week? And then the serviceman can't clean out the TV while the back is open unless he comes back out to your home AGAIN?
Oh, please tell me how this is more efficient? And how this benefits big, bad hhGregg and makes the customer want to return to their store? Especially when a customer appealed for their assistance and was flat out turned away. I have the documentation, I called at 1125 on 7/9/08.
You see today's date.
And the gentleman I spoke with from Toshiba wasn't real happy either. He wants them to examine the whole TV and see if we need further assistance since she's blown 2 bulbs in so "short" of time. But what the heck, Norman's just installed the bulb, gotta call back for that one, too.
Sorry, Toshiba, maybe YOU should be more careful who you let sell your products.
As for me, I'm going to watch my 36" beauty tonight, again.
At least until we need another bulb.

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