
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Working Again

I haven't been able to Post for a while. I've been working at long last! Yes! It's finally come to pass. A job has been located; I got my background straightened out from the identity theft issue, and it's been hi-ho-hi-ho and off to work I went. Oh, happy day.
I guess, I must be unusual in that aspect. I truly enjoy my work. I know there are sick folk involved, but there you are. Maybe I'm a little sick myself. I just enjoy taking care of them. And I enjoy the challenges of the IV's, etc.
So I bounced into my 1st patients room, that grumpiest of men, fussed with him and teased him like I always do and we were fine. The next day when he transferred to Re-Hab, he even waved good-bye said he'd miss us! 180 from previous days. He'd just needed someone that wasn't afraid to go toe to toe with him and grin about it.
The other RN's were staring. Yep, they've got a nut case on board. Poor babies, light a candle for them. They'll need all the help they can muster up. I've new territory to conquer and I'll take no prisoners as I blithely bounce my way through the days and/or nights going my merry way.
And yes, I know there'll be shifts from hell. That goes with every job. But we'll muster our way through those and still make it. What other choice have we? Our patients depend on us. I for one intend to render the best care I can give them. I am a Nurse, a good one, not the best nor the greatest, but I hope a damn fine one. And no one better mess up or with my little folks. They are flat out gonna be taken care of in spite of the doctors.
You were suppose to smile at that one.
Wish me luck as I go about my way. I'll be the one with the creaky right knee, the aching lower back and the grin on her face. Oh, and I'll be teasing my co-workers and trying to coax a smile from my patient, when I can, if it's appropriate. If it isn't, I'll be the one with an arm around their shoulders giving support and providing the support in their storms and the shoulder they need.
That's me, not the best, but the one that cares and tries. The one that loves her job and wants the best for them all.
I've got a JOB! Just let me work and I promise you; you'll get my best.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Prevailing III

I'm beginning to lose what's left of my patience. What little patience I had to begin with in this instance. It's the Bank again. And I'm ready to blow their cover.
They were supposed to come to a conclusion last week. Well, kiddos, guess what? Nutthin'. Absolutely, nutthin'.
So I decided to yank on their chain and see what would shake up. I was of course put off again for, "a few more days." Uh huh.
And this time? I set a deadline. Friday. If I don't get some kind of resolution by Friday; I'm turning this over to my Attorney.
Let's go to Court Kiddies. Let's duke it out in front of the Public and see what Joe Everyday thinks about the situation.
We'll just stick to the records. Oh, wait. They haven't any records. Either there weren't any or the Bank mysteriously "lost' them. I on the other hand have everything and can trace them back to 1992. Care to carbon date my ink?
And how about all that business they advertise about being friendly and caring for their customers like neighbors, etc.? We'll just let the Public know how they've treated me. Did I mention all my records? Did I mention how I take notes and jot down quotes and all that good stuff with every interaction even to this date?
And as El Attorneo is just fascinated with all the goings on and my "jottings," I can tell he's actually more in this for the long haul.
Fine. Let's get to it. My rope is getting frayed. Usually when ropes fray, they are signing that the end of their useful life is nearing an end.
Maybe it's time for the Bank to use that rope and hang itself.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Employed at Last!

I think I just might have found myself new employment at long last. Well, to me it's at long last. Some others might look at what I consider a "drought" as nothing. But I've been most perturbed at all this.
I've gone on 4 interviews and been courted like the queen I am. (cough - cough) And then ... nothing. Except that one time where I got the very nice letter telling me that my resume was quite outstanding, and I was most impressive. Then it further pronounced that I just didn't "fit" the position they, "had in mind."
OOOKKKAAAYYY. And this was after YOU called ME when I'd Fax'ed my resume to you a mere 18hrs. previously. And I'd been fawned over during the interview process and practically tendered an offer before I left the facility. Hmmmm.
To be fair, I've been fighting Identity theft and I had to get another's name removed from my Social Security Number. THAT may have affected my background search. And the places I had meandered into were, in 3 cases, affiliated with my old employment haunts.
Well, we know how THEY feel about me. I won't go there.
The 4th I just never heard from. And they made/ask me to fill everything out at the Job Fair before I left. I didn't even have time to finish my wine and crackers. I never even had one slice of cheese. Talk about getting the short rift. Pout; pout.
But this one, the 5th one ... They called me the day after I Fax'ed my resume and sent an e-mail to their HR. Then the interview went pretty well. I was escorted over to HR to fill out the application. I did take the precaution to ask HR to hold off on the background search for yet another 24 hrs. as I had just found out about the other person on the SS#. And they were in the process of removing said person. Since they were so backed up, it was apparently not a problem.
And I passed. So I'm wondering if that wasn't the problem the whole time. Whoever it was that had helped themselves to my "life," well guess what? They have a less than stellar background.
Who'da thought?
And after getting the jerk off my number, I got a call suddenly from a 6th place to which I'd Fax'ed my resume. They called just after I'd accepted a tendered offer from #5. And they want to keep me on file just in case things don't work out or I change my mind. Cool.
I'm thrilled. It's frickin' nice to be wanted. What an ego boost. And I needed it frankly with all that's been going on in my life.
So at this moment. I'm technically employed, pending the passage of the drug testing.
My soon-to-be-Supervisor will call the Employee Health Nurse on Monday, and we'll go from there. I am ready to go at anytime. Uniforms, etc., are at the ready. Stethoscope is dusted off and aching to be hung from my neck. I even treated myself to some new pens.
My poor husband is just shaking his head over it all. He has a hard time wondering how anyone can get so excited over a "blood and guts," job.
Sorry, Honey, it's something you just can't explain. You either have it or you don't. I have it. I live and breathe it. It's in my blood. An incurable disease from which I've no desire to be cured.
I might just have found myself a job and it's about time.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The EX

The trip back to the old home town to deal with problems, (see past blogs), brought up a thought. An odd pondering as it were. Something that had not occurred to me, nor had actually happened to me up until this time.
How do you deal with the Ex when He's...friendly; and seems maybe just a bit too familiar in his behavior? Or actually, how do you deal with the thoughts that arise from your dealings?
The meeting was a necessary evil as it were. Ex was over at the daughter's house, with whom I was staying, to do some yard work for her. We are at this juncture on civil terms.
Time has past. Wounds have scarred, if not healed over. Ex is widower of just over a year's time. We are both of over 50+ year's of age.
Time to act like grown ups and be civilized. Let bygones be bygones after all these years, I suppose. And I have always refused to hate Ex. He is one half of my daughters. To hate Ex would be to hate half of their being, their very existence. I can not, can never do that. They are and always will be my life.
But, to return to the subject.
We had a missing cat on our hands and so the yard work was delayed. Ex was outside; unloading equipment; while we "girls" cat searched. No grass could be cut in case she had escaped outside for fear she'd scoot away and be forever lost. The grandest daughters would be heart broken, so the search was on for la cat.
I was sent out of the house, after about 30 minutes, to tell Ex that the cat had been found. He was free and clear to go about his yardly duties.
Instead, Ex turned suddenly and stopped me as I turn to go back into the house. He just wanted to know if I was, "all right." He was, "worried about me." Apparently Ex could still," after all these years remember what my face looked like when I was worried or under stress." According to Him, I, "needed to take care of myself and not worry about Him and the Girls." "They would be fine." He just wanted me to take it easy and let Him help me how ever He could, etc.
Then there was the flattery. He approves of how I've held up apparently. I'll not bore you with it. I cut Ex short, so it matters not anyway.
There was also the sharing with me the news of His progress on the dating scene. While I'm glad He's out and about; I'm not sure what I have to offer Him on that score. I'm married; I don't date.
That was pretty much the gist of things. Oh, there were two phone conversations, during my stay. Just attempting to check up and make sure all was well with this old war horse. And I like to think He meant well, but I wasn't comfortable making small talk. So I babbled. I'm good at babbling.
Part of me is amazed that two people who once shared a married life for 18 years, intimate life longer, knew every inch of and mirrored the other person, are now such total and complete strangers.
I haven't the foggiest of what He does or doesn't like anymore or vice verse. Where once two people could sit down after a meal and chat or pick a television show to watch; now... nothing. We finished each others sentences; read each others thoughts; and laughed at the same times. We had planned our lives so carefully from teenage to retirement. Then....BOOM!
We have so little in common now; we might have never as well have met.
And that was in my thoughts while he was speaking to me, I'm afraid. I heard His words. But, they came from a greater distance than from where He stood. I was searching His face. I'm afraid I was looking with more than a little curiosity for a glimpse, even a small one, of the man I once knew; once loved.
But, all I saw was a stranger with gray hair and thick glasses. The voice was familiar. The intonation was different. Maybe because the feelings directed at me had changed? Or maybe the feelings I felt in the direction they came from had change? I do not know.
But the change was there. It was as concrete as the driveway upon whence we stood.
And if it's come to that place; that's where I feel it should stay. The oddness; uneasiness comes from the sudden need for Ex to hug when we meet and such. I'm not into that. I need my distance. I'm not a stranger hugger. I always tighten up and pull back.
Maybe that's the reason for this writing. Maybe I've twirled and whirled it all around to this. The arms that held me for all those years and through all those things; are now unknown entities. They belong to a stranger now.
And I think maybe a little voice is reminding me that we're supposed to be wary of strangers.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Prevailing II

It's been a while since I had time to write. Hell, it's been a while since I had time to breathe. Really breathe. And by that I mean the type of breaths you take where you fill your lungs to the bursting point and exhale until they are totally empty. All the tension in your body is gone. GONE.
I'd give anything to have been able to have done that; anything.
Instead it's been a mad whirlwind of one thing after another.
I'm still dealing with the identity thing. Finally getting all that cleared up, thank goodness. But it's been an up hill battle.
AND I'm still fighting with the Bank about the Safety Deposit Box. Now it's haggling over the worth of the contents that were stolen from me. The Bank Attorney has tendered an offer of $2,500.00 for what is estimated to be between $13,000.00 to $15,000.00.
I'm afraid I took a little umbrage at the amount. Okay, I got angry and relayed this emotion per my vocal cadence and manner via cell phone. I was in my vehicle; parked; as I had returned to my city of residence at the time. The Bank President was the intermediary.
He mentioned how gracious I'd been up to that point and he hoped I'd continue to be so. I replied that this was war and all bets were now off.
And so the conversation went.
Oh, there was the chat about how Pres had mentioned to the Attorney about how professional I was in my note taking and record keeping. All that documentation had not escaped his eagle eye.
Good. Let them sweat a little of that.
Their records flat out suck. No signatures, no notes, no dates, nothing. They are hanging in the wind. And they know it.
We go to Court and I may not "win;" but I'll not lose. And they really don't want the publicity. I haven't gone that far............yet.
And I can. I spoke with MY Attorney. As long as I stick to the facts, state them flat and clear, it's not slanderous, it's not libelous. I can shout their name from the rooftops.
And they know it.
AND they know I will.
They have tried and failed to blame me for their failure. They have tried and failed to cover up a fraud and theft. They have tried and failed to break me.
True I'm on new meds to help me sleep and to calm my gut, but now that they've kicked in; guess what? I'm back to being my feisty little self.
That ain't good for y'all Bank peoplep. Not good at all.
I'm coming for you and I'm coming full steam ahead.
You've messed with the wrong, Lady. AND you allow MY belongings to be looted and plundered during YOUR watch.
Don't you dare; dare try to blame me for your lack of responsibility and lack of protocols.
I never, ever failed to pay for services you forgot to render.
You will pay and you will pay dearly. This is not a threat nor a coercive statement. It is a FACT.
It's time you sucked it up and dealt with it.
I've had too.