
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Monday, January 18, 2010


Well this has just sucked. And I mean that quite sincerely. I'm not a happy camper here, folks.
I was cleaning my house; minding my own business and the next thing ya know; OUCH.
I either pulled something, decided to play with a kidney stone; or pinched a nerve. Whatever I did I regret it, apologize for it and I'll mea culpa all day long. If it'll make it go away.
This all went down about one or so, Friday by the way. It's Monday now and still twinging. Better; but twinging. And I'm flipping tired of it.
Not that that's gonna make it better.
But ranting and raving gets a lot off my chest. Which is not helping the twinge. Or whatever it may be.
So here's the deal; when you decide to move walls and rearrange furniture; get on your hands and knees to brush off the rugs; and scrub baseboards, etc.; watch out; it could hurt.
It started off with a pain in the left side that got steadily worse. Finally walking on the tiptoes of the left foot. Had to tilt myself up on one side. Didn't go out Friday night.
Yup, stayed in and sat; leaning over to the right. Wasn't the happiest of campers. Even took some meds. And all the freakin' pills did were make me lightheaded.
So there I sat; unhappy and too zopped to do anything about it and still hurtin' like a sumbitch.
Saturday, no change. And now I'm a whimpering puppy. But quietly. And just working on paperwork for the kids at school. Gotta keep on keepin' on.
Then out to dinner to celebrate friend's birthday, Saturday night. I refused to missed THAT. Finally got SOME respite; Rum. Had a few drinks and everything eased off. Didn't last but for a few hours, but hey, take what you can get; right?
So there you are. I now have the cure for hip pain. Liquor.
Of course, you can't live off that and work. Or I can't. Or I won't.
Sunday, better. Yippee. But then I made the mistake of getting out of bed. But by now, I had a secret weapon. On the way to the birthday party, we bought me a little heating pad. And I spent the day on it. hahahahaha.
Now I've got ammo to fight back. Watch me now. Heat; gentle as a carass; all day long.
And so we have today.
I feel a bit more human. Not a twisted piece of ouchy stuff.
And now I know what it's like to be one of my patient's that lives with a chronic pain.
Mine isn't chronic, but I've gotten a dose of 3 days of good; can't escape; always there and doesn't respond to anything pain/ache/hurt.
It hasn't gone away, but it's better. And by golly, I'll take it. At least I'm walking like normal. Still not smiling about the situation, but haven't quit with life.
Skip's all about just laying around and doing nothing. I'm all about getting things done so I don't get further behind.
I have 4 classes this quarter. Smallest population is 19 students. So...
But I ouch a bit if I get too rambunctious.
Oh, well, life goes on and here I sit. Straight up at least.
So until the next post; I'll just sulk about this left hip/flank twinge deal. It'll get better or I'll give in and see Doc Amy and get her to wave her magic wand or something.
No needles.
In the meantime.
Ouch. And your move. I'm staying put.

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