
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Learning the Hard Way

While I have the time; I might as well expound on the visit to the ER I had over Labor Day Weekend. Well, actually, it was the Tuesday after. I always like to wait until my Docs are out of town to do my thing.
It wasn't my fault truly. It started while we were RVing in Atlanta at the races.
I got a little achy on Friday, down right sick Saturday, Sunday was just miserable and Monday was... I told my husband; I gotta have something for this pain. I need a strong INSAID. Which is a prescription type Advil.
I called my MD's office Tuesday and they said, "they're out of town. We'll get the nurse to call you back."
She did.
And I told her what was going on and she said get to a doctor.
I think it was the neck pain and stiffness.
Well, I admitted I'd been sleeping - as it were - and resting on bags of ice due to the neck pain.
Hey, I'm a tough old bird, but this pain was something else. I couldn't turn my neck and flat out didn't want too.
Yes, I could touch my chin to my chest. I just walked like I had a 2x4 for a spine when I got up. And most of the time; I stayed in my reclining chair on my bags of ice. It soothed and kept me going.
And scared the hell out of my friends and husband.
So into my Hospital's ER I went.
I checked in, did the paperwork, got triaged, etc.
Then they took me back and I saw the Doc.
Found out I was an RN.
We decided to start out conservative. In other words, blood work and something for the pain. I ask for Toradol. I don't use narcotics. He raised his eyebrows. I don't like losing control, I explained.
I'm a little type A. Eyebrows stayed up, but he agreed.
That was when I realized I stepped in it. He thought I wasn't really taking all this seriously.
Well, yeah I was. I came in because I was HURTING. I don't go to ERs just to visit.
But no; I really didn't think it was what he was leaning towards. And no one was gonna look at my spine with a needle in their hand until I had more proof that there was a reason for it.
Those things are serious business.
And this was my spine. And their needle.
Of course, maybe I was a little sicker than I thought because apparently I was a little "behind" on my fluids.
10 sticks to get the IV and give the med, 4 more to get the labs. No fluids hung. If they hang fluids; they might try to keep you.
I had to give Finals to 43 kids the next day.
No way was I gonna stay.
Patch me up and send me home. I just know you guys are good.
Of course, every one's sticking their head in and asking, "Audrey, what are you doing here?"
And I felt like being sarcastic. But I kept it light. Even gritted my teeth through all the needles and just got on with it.
And the med helped. It got me through the XRays. They were bad. Bend, twist, pose.
I was aching again. Not quite as bad, but it started up again.
Eventually all settled down and I closed my eyes and caught my breath.
The results? Coming down off a virus as I suspected. And my neck had acted up as a result. Maybe the coughing had started something. The Doc's not sure.
What he was sure about was I have severe arthritis in my neck. And I need to have it followed up on. I'm in for years of thrills.
I can add that to my lower back. Ought to make for an adventure.
And it may shorten my career at bedside.
Ohhhh. So that's why I had all those uncomfortable after shift hours. All the lifting and pulling WAS getting to something. ME!
Guess I should have listened to the creaks and groans of dem bones and not dismissed it.
I can be such a dumb ass.
The good news?
Every now and then; getting poke and prodded; especially when it turns out to be difficult; can remind you what the patients you care for go through.
And that can make a person a better nurse.
But it's a hard way to learn.

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