
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Friday, August 7, 2009

How Long?

Wow. How long has it been since I've posted? Months? Probably. I've been writing for sure. Fired off some doozeys. Maybe I should just do cut and pastes. These would have burnt up the pages. But, I didn't think of that at the time. I just had to do these "jobs" - yes, let's call them that - and get on with things.
And so I did.
Get on.
I've been pretty much hanging on by my fingernails some days.
How do people that post do this everyday? When do they find the flippin' time? I, mean, this takes a while. And even if you have something to write about; you have to compose the words in your head before you can put your fingers to the keyboard.
Don't you?
So, I haven't posted here. Just fired volley after volley of rhetoric at some relatives to keep them at bay and handled some business that has turned my world on its tail.
Such fun.
I can back the relatives up and make them run for the hills. Don't try to beat me in a word battle. Well, not if I've time to compose my answers and write them. Verbally; you stand a chance. My acid may not be fatal. Written; it will scour the flesh from your bones.
Business is tougher. You have to temper yourself. Being an ass can do more harm than good. So how to stand your ground; not be victimized; right the wrongs and keep the faith is tough. Luckily; if you write; you can cool your jets and think things thru.
I tend to want to write my way out of my dilemmas. It's a tad safer. For all involved; actually.
So writing is a catharsis. It really is. Wipes everything away. Or not. You have it saved to a file or placed in a folder for safekeeping in case you have to pull it back up for the lawyers. And the whatevers
They require you to do that you know. Bring in the hard copies. Don't want to do that work of "looking" for anything themselves. Lazy bums, they are, they are.
I should know; I'm working with 2 now. 1 for the Estate; 1 for my case.
And there's my jobs. Still with the hospital PRN; still with the school Mondays and Wednesdays.
Still a wife, Skip's hanging in there. Still have the 10 grandest kids.
And the house is still undone. Little things to be unsure; but undone. Contractors. Right now; not my favorite people. But we only lived in the RV; in the driveway; for 6 weeks.
Think of the adventure.
And I learned a lot those weeks. About a lot of things.
So I guess, I need to get back to this blogging as it soothes me. And I know that I'm only 1 of a few readers. Not a problem. I write for the therapy. Getting it out keeps me from festering within. And hopefully things will settle down so I won't have to fire off to others.
Maybe all I'll be doing is adding a note in here.
Oh, my. That would mean that my life was settling down. I actually would be taking time for ME!
Oh, what a concept.
Time to do something I haven't done in months.

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