
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Friday, August 7, 2015

Out of Time

How do we get so freakin' busy? I have meant to get back here every day and have failed. Absolutely failed. Time just rushes by and then it's another day. Another missed chance. Time has become more precious as of late. We're older now so it seems to pass faster. The sun rises and sets quicker. Years are shorter. New Year's was just a few weeks ago; wasn't it? Of course not. It just seems that way. And my father has become a "time liability." He moves slowly, he refuses to make decisions, he forgets the decisions he has made, and he angers easily about appointments being made around the schedules of other people. Dad is Dadcentric. Never mind that he doesn't want to drive, (thank God), or go anywhere by himself, but he expects you to schedule everything when he wants it scheduled. Now if you ask him when that would be...anytime. Except when you scheduled it. And so the days zip by and suddenly I'm faced with the fact that I've failed to post yet again. Which is what led to this. Write something! Let them, yourself, anyone, and everyone know you're still kickin'. I'm still kickin'. And still trying to grab time by the tail and make it slow down, just a bit, so I can catch up and enjoy the moment. OnceAgain