
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Sunday, January 23, 2011

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Letter to my Boys

It has occurred to me that the reason I've not been able to Post has been all the letters I've written. So I'm now going to edit them a bit and do a copy/paste and here we shall go. I'll leave out some "good" stuff to be sure, but still include what would be thrown in one of my normal rants/raves.
Otherwise, it's back to the dry spells. And this one lasted way too long.
My apologies. Once/Again
Good Evening,
I hope all are well and warm this fine crisp evening. I have just finished putting the final touches on a bit of school work. Not that it matters a bit. The Kids won't see it until next Tuesday.
Yup. Due to road conditions, etc., we've not been able to start the Winter Quarter as of yet. 'Tis been due to that old devil the evil global warming trend that has kept the temperature in the lower 20's and upper teens with a brisk, icy breeze that wakes one up like the whack of a fist to the jaw when it touches your skin.
I'm longing for my old Dr. Denton's with their footsies that were so very warm. Besides, I was awfully darn cute in them. Well, as a toddler anyway. Now I'd probably look a bit ridiculous, but one must do what one must do in cold weather.
And Skip is threatening all kinds of mayhem should my feet come near any part of him again until next July. Just because he was snoring the other night and I was sure he'd sleep through a tootsie warm up and I had had on socks and I just touch his ankle with my toes. You'd have thought the dude had been shot. I mean really. It wasn't like I'd put my whole foot on him or anything.
So much for give and take in marriage. You guys are such a selfish bunch with some things.
I will so be avenged. Just as soon as I think of something.
You wait.
Oh, back to the school dealiebobber. I drove over today 'cause it was open to essential Staff. They let me in anyway. And I worked on the Medical Lab and got some stuff set up. Also got my hands on my Student Rosters.
It's gonna be fun. My A&P1 class is 38. Largest classroom in the new building holds 34.
I feel a bit of a condundrum developing. But never fear. I shot a message off to he-who-holds-all-power and ask for 2 more tables and 4 more chairs. Did not ask him to decrease the class size, did you notice? Not I. I know of a few others that do when their classes top 20. But I figure, hey, the more the merrier. I can warp and mess with 'em in a large herd as well as a small one.
I'll just have to brew my evil elixer in 2 cauldrons, not one. Don't want to strain the old wrists, ya know.
And I are not a coward. Nope. I can handle 'em. Matter a fact, it's usually them that's a bit cautious 'round me. Only the ones that get a bit too rowdy. One of the Kids said it was something about the way I'd look over at them that made them just want to get kinda quiet.
I just figure it's the way Grandmama used to look at us when we'd messed up. She had that way of making you sorta freeze in your tracks and stop. Speaking of which.
The worst time I remember it was the day Carole and Maggie put Maxine in the freezer. Ok; 1st, she wasn't in long at all. I ratted us out. 2nd, we all got switched, well except Maxine, for the caper. Carole and Maggie for the deed, me 'cause it was my idea. Maxine didn't get switched, but she got in trouble for agreeing to it.
And I wouldn't have ratted, but we had trouble getting the top back up. I think we kinda paniced in hindsite, but you know how it goes when you're kids. Oh, the look we got. Oh, the switchin' we got.
The 4 of us used to think up things to do to pass the time of day. Like jumping off the chicken coops, or leaping off the top of the slide instead of sliding, or burying each other in the sandbox, or using our batons as swords, or rolling down that hill in back of the old barn. Girl stuff.
Come to think of it, we were mean as snakes. But only to each other. Probably explains alot about our relationships now. But not to worry. None of us have batons anymore so it's cool.
I do have a freezer, though.
So on to better things. The weather will be warmer tomorrow. 30. Yup, heat wave. And this after I finished shoveling the driveway. Yes, I have a snow shovel. Same 1 I brought down from St. Louie. It's really new looking still. After all it doesn't get a lot of use here. Which I like. But we've used it a bit these last couple of days. Skip worked on the drive Monday and Tuesday. I got out there this afternoon when I got back from the school.
The catch was I was in my mink coat. Hey, it's WARM. I like it. I wear it like a lot of people wear car coats. I haven't any blood folks. That coat is my antifreeze. I didn't think anything of wearing it until I realized that cars sounded different as they drove by. So I started looking up and realized, they were slowing down and taking a gander at me.
At that juncture, I decided, what the hell, and I started waving. Wrong move. You will probably find pictures of me on the net somewhere. Ah, yes. The infamous, cell phone camera. Thank goodness I had on makeup and sunglasses. At least I look halfway decent. And better yet, thank goodness I didn't slip and bust my butt. Oh, I slipped a couple of times, but I didn't go down.
So from now on, I guess, I'll just FREEZE, and shovel in a crummy old coat of Skip's. That way I can escape notoriety.
There world, I hope you're happy. I can't warm my feet and I gotta be sniffley and snuffley cold when I'm shoveling the white stuff.
There is no justice in this. That I must suffer so, poor innocent child that I am.
Aaaaannnnndddd not one of you are buying this. I can tell it already. Well, a gal's got to give it a shot.
But anywho, I shall bid you all a goodnight and get back to working on a paper to bring my Kids to the edge of their seats with educational joy. Or maybe keep them awake the 1st 15 minutes of class. If I'm lucky.