
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

We Were Just Filling Up.....

Hello all.
Haven't posted in 5 forevers. I've been staying horribly busy as usual. But we did get out this weekend.
I hope all are well and relatively happy. And busy being out and about as the weather has warmed.
We went out over the Memorial Day Holiday and spent a 4 day weekend relatively close to home at a little place called Swancreek on HWY 31 between Decatur and Athens, AL. Camping and relaxing.
We just wanted to get out and away from the old homestead.
It was nice and quiet and peaceful and calm and easy going. And we spent it
with a few friends that camped with us. We had our rigs beside each other and meandered around just doin' mostly nothing.
It was the 1st time we'd taken Terry out proper since the unfortunate incident with the Fifth Wheel.
It's funny now. But I was upset then.
You just shouldn't figure if the truck will fit thru an area that the fiver
will. Aaaannnndddd you really should slow down as you pass gas pumps.
The only reason I caught them was the turn she had to make.
Yes, dudes, the wife was at the wheel.
We will pause for a moment as proper due is given for older than dirt jokes
about female drivers.
Time's up.
We were coming back home from visiting the grandest kids in South Alabama.
Just below Birmingham and stopped to get gas. Terry likes gas. OK. Terry luvs gas. And it takes a bit to fill that tank. It was a really nice April Sunday.
1 minute I'm stretched out on the dash looking at the sky (no clouds/beautiful) and the next I'm on my butt against that moundie thingie
between the Captain's chairs - which leaves a bruise - goin' what the hell?
Then I'm bounding; literally; out the door over the steps which got zinged and across the pavement after this truck and rig.
If she hadn't hit the brakes for a sec 'cause she nailed that curb; I'm not
sure I'd have caught them.
But granny got 'em. I was on that running board hanging in the window letting them know they hit us.
Mr. Michigan (names have been changed) goes; "no we didn't." and I go;
"dude, you knocked me off the dash!"
Then we turn and look at Terry and the mirror is dangling by these wires and stuff.
And he says something I'm thinking. I mean besides what my butt looks like
hanging outa a truck window.
And then it got kinda ugly, 'cause Skip (husband - name not changed) said,
"What do you mean you didn't hit us %$#(*&^. You callin' my wife a liar?"
And Michigan goes, "Look you %$#@*&. You don't have to get ugly!"
And they're facing off like 2 bulls snorting and scraping hoofs.
That's when I got really fried. So I put my hands up and yelled, "Everybody
shut up and back off! Not another word from you 2. Not 1 more word! I don't
want any trouble outa anyone! Got it?!"
It turned out to be pretty cool. The wife ran back to the truck and all the
folks from the gas station that had gathered just dispersed. Poof.
It makes you feel really powerful and stuff. Doesn't last long, but it's cool for a minute.
AND then you remember that your rig is hurt and you get warm all over again.
So I made them get their camera and Skip get our camera and all the proof of insurance and stuff. The cops were called and the wife (I nicknamed her Minnie Mouse) ratted me out. She told the Officer that I yelled at everyone. And I told him it was true and why. And he laughed and they got mad.
Then he ask them why they didn't go on the other side which was clear 'cause I made him look at everyone's photo's 'cause I wanted to make sure we'd documented everything correctly and they got mad again.
And they kept offering us "some cash." And I was nope the insurance companies will handle it. I haven't the foggiest what that mirror will run. And Michigan wants me to put a couple of screws in it and let it go.
That was about the time I pushed Skip to the back to finish gassing up Terry.
It's always best to err on the side of safety and I knew I'd have to be the
voice of reason.
Which if you knew me would send you into spasms.
To end this tawdry tale. Those stinkin' mirrors cost more than the $200.00 he offered. LOTS more. 2nd they sheared the darn thing off the support post so it took more to replace it than thought. I have to say it was a really smooth snap, though. Professional, even.
The steps got straightened and work much better. The seams only had a few
issues. Apparently it's not good for Class A's to be tipped up on their sides.
Bankston did some nice work on the finish where there were - smudges?
The rigs exchanged "blood."
Oh, the duct tape held thru Birmingham and the bunga, bunga, bunga we call
I-65, so the mirror didn't flop against the side of Terry and inflict further harm.
Michigan and MM never informed their insurance company. They found out from
our insurance company. But they got everything settled. And I'm known in
Calera as a truck chaser. Which is better than an ambulance chaser I 'spose.
So be careful in gas stations. You never know what's gonna happen when you're looking out the windshield at the sky.
It could get 'citin'.