
I was just thinkin' and then I started typin'

Thursday, August 7, 2008

All By Myself

It seems like I don't have the time to write like I used too. And I'm finding that I miss it. Not just the writing aspect, but the time to muse and have a moment. That time where I'm by myself, all alone. It's the quiet, "me, " time that I find I'm lacking and needing.
I've always been a bit of a loner in that way. And it's a bit of a puzzle to my friends. But, I like my own company and always have.
Case in point; when we moved here. I took off as I always do, exploring on my own. I'd spend my whole day off in the small towns abou, walking their sidewalks, window shopping little antique stores, lunching the downtown cafes, and generally browsing about here and there.
I had a blast. Especially as the Fall came and the days cooled down and the colors brightened.
Sometimes, not often enough, I've managed to steal away and have one of those days. The last was 5 months ago. And then I had to work a few errands into that one. So....
I'm craving a true go away just do nothing but wander around and get reacquainted with myself day. Especially with all the crap that's been going on.
A get away day would be bliss.
Hmmm...... I may have some planning to do.
As it is I'm writing after a long night shift. Very long, where I had to stay over for a mandatory class after. Made for a drive home with the air conditioner cranked wwwwaaaayyyy down to help with the sleepiness factor.
We worked our little butts off last night. And fatigue was a big factor.
And "me" time is restorative.
So "sometime" in the near future; I'm gonna do it. Take that day. Not tell the girlfriends or the hubby anything except I have to be on the road. Then off I'll go. And the heck with gas prices. It's cheaper than a psychiatrist.
So far.
So it's settled. In the near future; I'm going off and just chill out as I bumble about, all by myself.